On June 29th, just before the end of term, Yr. 7 presented the Posters they had been preparing to Yr. 12 and parents of Year 7. They had spent a term researching Successful people and thinking about the things that made them successful people. From there they had to decide which messages to put in posters to help Year 12 aspire to success in their own futures. Each class used a different method to produce their posters. Each group then explained their own path to develop their poster. Despite being apprehensive of speaking in front of an audience, each group overcame their fears and managed well even fielding questions from the audience about their work, demonstrating a high level of understanding of their groups work and cooperation. The next Project we embark on will be even more broad and student focused so we hope for a wide and wonderful Presentation.
Make sure you are there to see the results!! It should be terrific. Well done Year 7.