Thomas Reddall High School

Focusing On Our Future

Telephone02 4625 4404

Subject Selection 2024 - Stage 5 Student Information, Videos, Booklet and Form

Stage 5 Subject Selection


Subject Selection is an important milestone for both our Stage 5 and Stage 6 students.

For Stage 5 students, it is a great opportunity to complete subjects of interest and to get a feel for what is to come when you join the Stage 6 Courses.


The subjects on offer to Stage 5 Students are:

  • Child Studies
  • Commerce
  • Critical Thinking
  • Dance
  • Food Technology
  • History (Elective)
  • Industrial Technology
  • Music
  • Physical Activity & Sport Studies (CAFS)
  • Psychology
  • Visual Arts
  • Visual Design


You can find more information about each course in the videos that follow, and in the Subject Selection Booklet. A hard copy is available on request, at the front office.

When you make your selections, you will be asked to choose 4 subjects, but you will be enrolled in 2.

You are asked to choose 4 in case some subjects do not run (not enough students choose this) or are full. Year 10 students are given priority as Year 9 students will have a second chance at subjects in 2025.

To make your selections, scan the QR code in the subject selection booklet, or follow the link located below.

Stage 5 Child Studies

Stage 5 Commerce

Stage 5 Critical Thinking

Stage 5 Dance

Stage 5 Food Technology

Stage 5 History (Elective)

Stage 5 Hospitality

Stage 5 Industrial Technology

Stage 5 Music

Stage 5 Physical Activity & Sports Studies (PASS)

Stage 5 Psychology

Stage 5 Visual Art & Visual Design

Subject Selection Booklet

You will find a QR code to the subject selection form on Page 1 of the booklet, or you can follow the link below: