Thomas Reddall High School

Focusing On Our Future

Telephone02 4625 4404

Subject Selection 2025 - Stage 6 General Information

Stage 6 Subject Selection


For Stage 6 students, it is a time for you to narrow your fields of interest and work towards your future aspirations. Whether you would like to go to University, enter a trade, transition to TAFE or enter the workforce, there is a pathway for you.

The most important thing to remember is to select subjects that interest you, you enjoy, and you feel you can do well in. It is not a time to pick a subject based on your friend's choices, you need to choose subjects based on your own thoughts.

The following information is designed to compliment your time at subject selection evening, your subject selection booklet and your conversations with the careers team and faculty teachers.

By following the link, Stage 6 Subject Videos, you will be able to view a series of videos about each subject on offer.


Choosing Subjects in Stage 6

In Stage 6 students must pick an English and a Mathematics course. After this, they may choose a further 4 courses to study from any of the options.

When choosing courses, it is important to understand that the minimum requirement for any student is 6 Units of Board Developed Courses. All of the subjects offered at TRHS equates to 2 Units.

Students who wish to receive an ATAR must have 10 units of Board Developed Courses, and only 2 Units (1 subject) may be a Category B subject. 

An ATAR is only needed by students who wish to move directly from school to University. Students who wish to undertake University study later in life, or would rather transition to TAFE, apprenticeships or work do not need to have an ATAR.


HSC and ATAR Requirements 

Click on the video below which outlines how you can select subjects to allow you to qualify for an HSC, and for those seeking one, an ATAR.

VET - Vocational Education and Training

Want to earn dual accreditation while completing the HSC? Watch the video to find out all that VET has to offer!


Click on the video below, outlining how you can undertake a course at TAFE or start an Apprenticeship or Traineeship while you complete your HSC.